- Inspire pupil's curiosity to know more about the past, developing a knowledge and understanding of their local history, Britain’s past, and that of the wider world.
- Develop children's knowledge about people and events from a variety of perspectives: including Britain and the wider world, considering a range of perspectives: Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Scientific/Technological, Cultural/Artistic.
- Develop pupil's language, skills and vocabulary needed to express their historical knowledge and understanding.
- Develop children's understanding of chronology, knowledge of key facts, significant people and places in history.
- Develop children's knowledge, links and awareness of how events that happened in the past have affected and shaped our lives today.
- The National Curriculum for history is taught to all year groups.
- A clear progression in knowledge, skills and vocabulary is taught throughout the school to ensure coverage is met, the sequence builds on skills and progression is clear.
- Trio Time is used to retrieve and reinforce previously taught knowledge in order to consolidate prior learning. It also used as an assessment strategy.
- Key vocabulary is shared and discussed at the start of each lesson and revisited in future lessons.
- Teachers assess and adapt learning for all groups of learners, specifically providing support and challenge for SEND and PP children.
- Inquiry based history activities stimulate children's curiosity and independence.
- Children visit local historic sites so they can experience first-hand the scale and texture of real lives in the past.
- Links are made to wider parts of the curriculum when they naturally fit but this is never forced to ensure deep levels of history knowledge and skills are always prioritised.
- Children are curious and passionate about their learning in history with an ever-growing skill, knowledge and vocabulary set.
- Children are able to effectively use age appropriate historical vocabulary.
- Outcomes in history books evidences a broad and balanced history curriculum demonstrating children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge, vocabulary and a progression in skills.
- Increased pupil engagement and enjoyment in history- pupil voice shows a range of different teaching methods to engage all learners.
- Children understand their local history and can talk confidently about aspects of it.