South Kilvington Church of England Academy, Stockton Road, South Kilvington, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2LR

01845 523191

South Kilvington C of E Academy

Proud to be part of Elevate Multi Academy Trust

Our Staff

Headteacher: Mr Stephen Butterworth 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Pupil Premium Leader

Subject Leadership: RE and PE

Robins teacher: Mrs Fenney

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Teaching and Learning Champion

Subject Leadership: English, Phonics, PSHE and MFL

Kingfishers teacher: Miss Hopkins

Subject Leadership: Art and Design Technology

Bluebirds teacher: Mr Acaster

Subject Leadership: Science and computing

Peacocks teacher: Mrs Waller

Assistant Headteacher

Curriculum Leader

Subject Leadership: Maths, history, geography and music

SENDCO: Mrs Logan-Meredith

Support Staff

 Mrs Bainbridge: Higher Level Teaching Assistant

 Miss Porter: General Teaching Assistant

Mrs Rands: General Teaching Assistant with SEND responsibilities

Mrs Addison: General Teaching Assistant with SEND responsibilities

 Mrs Heseltine: General Teaching Assistant with SEND responsibilities

 Miss Pringle: General Teaching Assistant with SEND responsibilities

Miss Crowder: School Administrator

Miss Crowder works in the school office and is always ready to help everybody!

Our Cook and Midday Supervisory Assistant

Mrs Stapylton

Mrs Leeming

Site Manager

Mr R Burniston keeps our school clean and safe. He can be contacted via the school office.